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Sedum Takesimense 'Atlantis' x 3 Plants in 9cm Pots


Sedum Takesimense 'Atlantis'

Sedum Takesimense Atlantis ('Nonsitnal'), is The Chelsea Plant of The Year 2019, with organisers saying that it's 'an attractive, easy to grow, versatile and multi-functional plant. 'A native of south Korea, this variegated sedum is hardy in the UK, drought-tolerant, low-maintenance and very easy-to-grow - the gardener's perfect plant! Such is its popularity, it's likely to be much in demand and with limited stock available this year, make sure that you don't miss out! Perfect as ground cover, or for filling in gaps between plants, the succulent leaves of Atlantis forms a spreading mound of rosettes, reaching around half a metre or so wide. Their naturally creeping form makes them ideal for softening hard edges such as paths and walls, and they're perfect for growing in pots too. Leaves initially emerge pure cream in colour, forming a wide cushion of striking serrated green leaves bordered in cream. These are followed by frothy yellow flowers from July to September. In autumn, the plants are flushed with another colour change as the leaves take on a subtle pink blush. Found growing in Michigan in 2013 on a nursery that specialises in plants for ground cover, green roofs and walls, this hardy stonecrop is perfect for beginner gardeners or those looking to use eco-friendly, water-efficient plants in a modern garden.

Supplied as 3 x established plants in 9cm pots, ready for immediate planting out, plants benefit from well-drained soil that stays on the dry side over winter

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