The graceful artificial bouquet Happy Orange XL from Emerald is a perfect choice to complement any home or office space with its variety of tones. These bouquets are hand-tied by a florist, who carefully arranges each stem and ties the arrangement together to form this amazing bouquet to liven up any room! These flowers are made of 100% polyethylene, making it long-lasting, and saving you from the annoyance of withering flowers. You also don't have to water them or have any other maintenance issue. On the whole, you have a bouquet with a long-lasting experience. The bouquet is delivered without a vase and the bouquet will display the best by tying the flower stems and placing the bouquet in a vase with a narrow neck.
- Colour: Multicolour
- Material: 100% polyethylene
- Total height: 109 cm
- Diameter: 40 cm
- Bouquet exist of 10-15 flower stems
- Hand-tied bouquet
- Vase not included
- Number of packages : 1
- Product volume : 0,029
- Brand : Emerald
- EAN : 8714344301267
- Size : n/a
- Estimated delivery time : 5