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Set of 10 Carpet Lilies Hot Flame Mix


Carpet Lilies Hot Flame Mix

Set your pots and borders alight this summer, with this colour mix of dwarf and compact Carpet Lilies. Naturally bred to grow only to about 30cm tall, what they lack in height they make up for in sheer flower power - each bulb will give one strong stem with 3-5 flowers each in the first year and increasing year after year beyond that. They are great planted en-masse in beds and borders where they will smother the bare ground

ideal for filling in gaps and spaces where you really will create a carpet of hot summer colour. Alternatively, they'll look great planted in a group in a large pot, lighting up patios, terraces or even balconies. As always, lilies make a fabulous cut flowers, these brightly coloured beauties would look stunning in a vase on a windowsill.

Easy to grow and maintain, these carpet lilies can be planted straight out between January and June and will reward you year after year with summer-long colour.

Supplied as a pack of 10 bulbs size 12/14 bulbs in a fiery mix of reds, oranges and yellow.

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